Fully Managed Network Security

All your data runs through networks.
Your proprietary knowledge. Your client's information. Your sensitive data. 

Network Gateway

Fortify Your Network Security

Strengthen your defenses against cyber threats targeting your network! Our advanced OPNsense network gateway and firewall protects your company’s data and devices.


Access Your Files From Anywhere

Get secure and flexible access to your most important files through your own Virtual Private Network (VPN). From anywhere, at any time!

High-Availability Network

Work Hassle-Free with Stable Internet

Enjoy stable and ad-filtered internet for seamless operations, allowing you and your team to focus on what matters most.

Advanced Network Security Gateway Device by Sacred Byte GmbH
Group of happy employees at client site enjoying reliable and uninterrupted internet connection provided by Sacred Byte GmbH

Complete Network Security Solution

We manage the setup and maintenance for you. No need for in-house tech expertise – you enjoy peace of mind while we handle the technical details.

Network Assessment

Our experts evaluate your existing network for vulnerabilities, recommend a secure setup and document the results for cyber insurance.

Initial Setup

Gateway Device Procurement

We order a specialized gateway device and install the OPNsense system. Then, we integrate it into your existing infrastructure.

Initial Setup

Firewall Installation

Our team configures the OPNsense functions, including the firewall. We also set up protection against harmful advertising.

Initial Setup

Initial Setup

Internet Stability (Fail Over)

We can configure a second internet connection to take over if the main line fails, ensuring ongoing connectivity.

Personal VPN

A Virtual Private Network fully under your control provides trustworthy and reliable remote access to your data from everywhere.

Initial Setup

Security Updates

We pre-test and then install security updates swiftly and outside of business hours. That minimises downtime and keeps you protected.

Ongoing Administration

User Management

We on- and offboard employees in your network. That ensures that only actively privileged people have access!

Ongoing Administration

Log Monitoring

Our experts scrutinize your logs for unusual activities. This proactive approach identifies ongoing cyber threats.

Ongoing Administration

Device Approval

Malignant hardware is a risk factor. We can make sure that devices need additional authorisation to connect to your network.

Ongoing Administration

Our Promise

Sacred Byte: Ensuring DSGVO Compliance
Based on BMI IT Security Guidelines
Ready for NIS 2 Compliance

Tailored Security for Your Industry

Every company faces specific cybersecurity challenges. Discover together with us the most balanced solution for data protection and compliance – user friendly, economical and technically viable.


Secured Networks for Architects and Landscape Architects

Securely access your projects everywhere: Streamline your office’s design, competition and construction processes.


Secured Networks for Law Firms, Notaries and Tax Accountants

Safeguard privileged client information and ensure GDPR and BRAO compliance.


Secured Networks for Medical & Dental Practices and Labs

Strengthen your compliance: Protect your patient data and your internet-connected equipment.

Secure your Spot Today

We’re committed to giving each of our clients the attention and service they deserve. That’s why we limit new client onboarding to just 2 businesses per week. 

Don’t miss out on securing your network with Sacred Byte – book your introductory call today to ensure you’re in our next available slot.

Curious how we compare? Our clients save around 75% on our solution

Get unmatched value with Sacred Byte - our services come at approximately 25% of the cost of traditional alternatives without compromising on quality or security.

How it Works

We manage the entire process, requiring only ~4 hours of your time for the setup. You need no technical expertise – but we’ll also happily collaborate with your IT department.

Step 1

Initial Security and Network Assessment

Our team will start with an introductory call and an office visit to review your network, pinpoint vulnerabilities, and tailor our services to your specific needs. Together, we decide which parts of your existing network can safely be used and which parts should be enhanced.

Step 2

Hardware and Software Configuration

After understanding your needs, we’ll order the necessary hardware for you (such as gateways and WiFi endpoints).

Then we’ll handle software installation and configurations. Plan to have us in your office for about half a day for this step.

Step 3

Ongoing Network Management

Once set up, you’re good to go! Our team at Sacred Byte will install security updates via remote access, proactively monitor your logs, and manage users in collaboration with your front desk. You’ll receive monthly updates from us, keeping you informed about your network’s health.

Cybersecurity expert from Sacred Byte GmbH installing a network gateway for enhanced network security
Client discussing network needs with a Sacred Byte GmbH representative to find the best tailored network solutions


A security gateway is a highly specialized computer. It’s the control center of your entire network and your “bouncer” at the digital gates to your company. It monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security policies. At its most basic level, it serves as a barrier between your secure internal network and untrusted external networks such as the internet.

Thus, a security gateway connects your organization to the internet. It provides services like routing (getting internet traffic where it should go), Firewall and intrusion detection (protecting your network from certain types of attacks) and for example VPN (so remote work becomes possible).

It makes sense to consider securing your network with a professional-grade gateway when:
  1. Your Assets Demand Fortified Security: If you’re managing valuable intellectual property, sensitive customer data, or other high-stakes assets, standard security measures are no longer sufficient. Elevate your protection with a dedicated network security gateway.
  2. You need a Personal VPN: In today’s remote work environment, secure and efficient VPN connections aren’t a luxury; they’re a necessity. Our gateway ensures that your team can operate securely from any location at full speed: Remote offices, hotels, conferences, construction sites.
  3. You’re Scaling Up and Handling Sensitive Projects: As your business grows and takes on high-profile projects, perhaps involving government or enterprise contracts with strict NDA and confidentiality requirements, your security needs escalate. Our solution is backed by peer-reviewed safety features, providing robust protection that evolves with your business.
  4. Multiple WiFi Zones are in Play: If your workspace spans a larger area requiring multiple WiFi access points, standard routers won’t cut it. Our security gateway is designed to maintain high-speed connectivity across extensive workspaces. It can seamlessly be combined with just the right type of WiFi access points for your needs.
  5. Granular Control is a Must: In a world teeming with cyber threats, you need the power to manage who gets to access what. Our security gateway allows you to exercise granular control over user access and network rules, so you can regulate network use with precision.
  6. You need to Separate User Groups: Employees need full access, but you guests must be isolated from your trade secrets? Teachers need more comprehensive web access than students? You have no choice but to keep on using known high-risk devices? Layers of access and network separation can support your existing security measurements.

Don’t wait for a security breach to make the upgrade. Act now to secure your business future.

Choosing open-source software for your network security isn’t just a budget-friendly decision; it’s also a strategic one. Here’s why:

  1. Cost-Effective: OPNSense is free software, eliminating any ongoing license fees that are common with proprietary solutions.
  2. Ownership and Control: With OPNSense, you own and control the hardware, freeing you from monthly cloud fees and dependencies on large, impersonal service providers.
  3. Stability: Open-source software is often more stable than its proprietary counterparts. That’s why open-source software powers more than 90% of the world’s Internet-servers, including many requiring extremely high levels of security and reliability.
  4. Peer-Reviewed Security: One of the strongest aspects of open-source software is its transparent, peer-reviewed security architecture. This collective scrutiny means security issues are identified and addressed more rapidly compared to proprietary software, which often is a ‘black box’ that only the original developers can look into. This secrecy often is the reason that weaknesses are not discovered quickly.
  5. Regular Updates: With OPNSense, you can expect regular security updates that are rigorously vetted before release, giving you peace of mind.
  6. Community Support: A large, active community stands behind open-source software like OPNSense, ensuring stable and secure deployment of updates.
  7. No Vendor Lock-In: With open-source software, you’re never locked into a single vendor’s ecosystem, giving you the freedom to adapt and expand as your needs change.

By leveraging these advantages of open-source software, we offer a network security solution that is not only cost-effective but also robust, transparent, and highly secure.

We primarily collaborate with companies that manage their data on-premise—meaning they operate their own internet connection within a self-contained office space. Our specialization is in serving businesses with up to 150 employees, but we collaborate with larger companies too.

Our pricing model is tailored to your specific needs, influenced by factors such as the size and complexity of your office setup, and the number of access points required. For a general idea of costs, please refer to our example pricing.  After an initial consultation, we’ll provide transparent, custom-tailored pricing. Our monthly fee covers around four hours of network management necessary to install updates, scan logs and administrate a reasonable number of user changes.  Should additional extensive support be needed, we’ll be happy to provide it at a reasonable hourly rate. So far, our monthly management fee has been sufficient for all of our client’s needs.

The initial setup starts with a comprehensive network security audit to tailor our services to your specific needs. Following the audit, we partner a gateway hardware appliance for your network, which you will own. This gateway hardware serves as the foundation for your secure network and typically costs around €2.500 (one time). On the software side, we leverage open-source solutions, specifically OPNSense, to configure a robust and secure firewall for your network.

Once we sign an agreement expect us to have your hardware procured and configured within two weeks. Once ready, we swiftly install it in your office, setting the stage for your long-term cybersecurity success.

Absolutely not! Our service is designed to be user-friendly and does not require any technical expertise on your part. Whether you have an IT department or not, we can work with you. Our experts will explain every step and decision in plain English (or German) to make sure you’re always in the loop.

When it comes to network security, many businesses find themselves navigating a maze of expensive and complicated options. Here’s how Sacred Byte distinguishes itself from traditional service models:

1️⃣  Software Costs: Traditional providers often require you to invest in proprietary firewall software, with license fees that can escalate up to €20,000 per year. We sidestep this cost entirely by leveraging open-source software, specifically OPNSense, which is free of charge and even more secure!

2️⃣ Integrated Management: The conventional approach usually demands that you pay for support from your software provider. On top of that, you’d typically need an in-house network administrator, dedicating 20-40 hours a month to maintain the network and stay updated on industry advancements. Alternatively, outsourcing this function can come with a hefty price tag. At Sacred Byte, we integrate these services, executing them through our specialized pool of experts, thus saving you both time and money.

3️⃣  Transparent Pricing: In an industry notorious for its lack of pricing clarity, we stand out by offering transparent, no-surprise costs. We won’t upsell you on features or services you don’t actually need.

As a result of these efficiencies and innovations, we’re able to offer enterprise-level security at approximately 25% of the cost you’d incur with traditional providers.

We can offer you an affordable enterprise level service, because we do 3 things differently:

1️⃣ We leverage open source software

We leverage the OPNsense open source firewall which is free of charge. This means you don’t have to pay up to €20,000 per year in software license fees alone!

Open source software also has the benefits that it is peer reviewed with complete transparency, leading to quicker improvement cycles. In other words, it’s more secure!

2️⃣ Good practice standard architecture

We standardize as much possible. We won’t upsell you customisations you do not need. This means that our network administrators can specialize in one setup, run automations and be as efficient as possible.

The solutions for our clients are complex, but we standardized and modularized them at the same time. That’s how we can leverage learning efficiencies and cut the administration time to a third while simultaneously increasing quality!

3️⃣ Specialized administrators

With traditional security companies, you can purchase support, but in most cases you need to do the solution administration yourself, which means you have to hire an administrator. Or perhaps you have an administrator, but they have other responsibilities and do not have time to learn about this technology and industry developments.

Our network administrators are specialized on our network gateway security solution and can do the administration work in one third of the time!

This leads to strong cost savings!

We offer flexible terms to our clients. After an initial six-month commitment period, you’re free to cancel your contract with a three-month notice. This model allows us to offer our services at the most competitive rates by helping us manage resources efficiently.

Should you decide to discontinue our services, the transition will be seamless. The hardware remains yours, and if you wish to bring services in-house, we’ll assist your team in taking over by providing all necessary documentation and access.